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#08 Facebook Ads Online Business Model 2021 | Fb Online Business Model

Facebook Ads Online Business Model 2021 | Fb Online Business Model.

Facebook Ads Online Business Model 2021 | Fb Online Business Model.
Hi there. In this lecture, We will discuss the Business Model you can adopt if you want to sell your online courses or your software online.

Can you sell online courses on Facebook?

With more than a billion monthly active users and a very robust platform for advertisers, running ads on Facebook is an effective way to reach your target audience, and ultimately, start generating consistent leads and sales for your online courses. The most obvious but most challenging way to make money on Facebook is through Facebook ads. Before using Facebook ads to sell your online course, you want to make sure that you have an excellent feel for your audience.

But before we begin, let me give you a small tip. Ah, lot of people prepare an online course. They price it between $47.1997 dollars, and they go on Facebook trying to sell it. If you are targeting called audience, which means people who don't know you, it's almost impossible to make them by an online course with a price like that, you will definitely lose money if you do this.

How can I sell my software on Facebook?

Facebook has already made repeated attempts to establish F-commerce. Last year, Facebook began testing Buy buttons on ads and posts. Now Facebook is testing a Shop section and listing items for sale in Facebook Groups. In addition, Facebook has also added money transfer functionality to its Messenger app and is reportedly working on a virtual shopping assistant to help users research and buy products. If you’re interested in developing a store on Facebook, the right tools may come from the social network itself.

What you should do first is to warm up your others, let them see multiple content off yours and then try to sell them. 

For example, you can invite people to our be not make them watch the webinar and at the end, try to sell them your product with your bonuses.

Another business model consists off getting your visitors emails in exchange for an e book or a free online course, and then send them a lot off in May's so they can know you more and trust you more and then try to sell them your product.

Another business more than that worked very well with one off my clients, its first to sell a very valuable product for $7 Only then, once the prospects, both it we have put several up cells and down says, in order to increase the average card value, selling only the front and the product was not enough.

Our Cost per purchase was around $23 we were getting only $7 because off the up cells and down cells, we reached on average card value off $34. So each time we injected $23 in Facebook, we got $34 in return. Just Osama.

In this lecture, We have Learned 3 Business Models we can use in order to sell our courses or our software online.

  1. Using a Webinar. 
  2. Using Email Marketing.
  3. Selling a product under $10 then putting a lot of upsells and downsells.

You can also makes the three strategies for maximum results.

I hope you enjoy the structure. See you in the next one.

You can also Visit Down the Link for helping to you as Practical

Watch Facebook Ads Online Business Model 2021 | Fb Online Business Model



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