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#10 How to Create and Edit Videos for Facebook Ads 2021 | Facebook Videos Ads Create 2021

How to Create and Edit Videos for Facebook Ads 2021 | Facebook Videos Ads Create 2021

hi guys. In this lecture, we are going to learn how to create and edit videos for our Facebook ads.

How to Create and Edit Videos for Facebook Ads 2021 | Facebook Videos Ads Create 2021
Videos are very important because using them, you can provide deep explanation about your products and services and convert more people to buy from you or to give you their inmates. If you are setting any book, you can shoot a five minutes video explaining about how your E book help people solve their problems.

If you are saying you're consulting services, you can shoot an interview off one off your clients and use the review in your advertising campaigns.

In this lecture, I will teach you how to shoot and edit your video before shooting your video. You should start by writing. You'd be their script and practicing it, especially if you are not very familiar with the standing in front of a camera. You should the same video several times, and you use the better Virgin. 

So what is the best structure for a Facebook ads video?

First, you start by attracting your viewers attention while they are scrolling, and you invite them to activate the sound and you add this as a text in the video with an aim.

Article second, you propose that problem.

Three. You introduce yourself for you. Introduce the solution.

Five. You invited viewers to click on the link they find about the video and you point out by your hand where they should be clicking. 

And remember to always add subtitles to your videos because some people don't activate the sound. So you need to add subtitles in this way you make for that they will understand the ideas behind video without activating the sound.

You add white text with a black background for yourself, titans, and I'm going to show you how to do that. So in order to shoot your video and in order to have a good quality for your video and for your sound, I recommend you to use professional MMA teachers.

Here are the materials I used to shoot my videos.

You need a camera, a professional one, a microphone, a voice recorder, a commander Stan and and anything softer. I don't recommend you to use the voice recorded by the camera because it will be very noisy and it will be very deep. You need a microphone microphone will give you a very clear and very high quality voice.

So let's jump toe Camp Asia and let's see how toe attitude video in there. I will start by importing the media's I'm going to use in this video. So I'm going to import the video and the sound. 

After important these two files, you need to synchronize them. So I'm going to add the video in here to the first track, and I'm going to add the order. You just have to click on it and describe in order to synchronize these 25 you just have to a large in the view in here to scroll the order in here. If you want, you can hear the voice and see if it's synchronized. 

Way can see that it's synchronized. If you want to get better and easier secularization, you just have to start your shooting by clapping your hands. In this way. You will see a pick in here like a high line off voice, and you can synchronize both files in this line.

Anyway, synchronization is very easy, so no need toward. Now I want to show you the difference between the audio recorded by a camera and the older recorded by the microphone so Let's say I want to try in this area in here. I would roll. I will lower their voice off the microphone. So this is the audio coming from the camera. Now let's check the audio coming from the microphone.

And remember, at the end of this video, see that the finish is a huge. That's why I recommend you to always use a microphone. So after synchronizing both fires now, I want to change the size off my video. If you are going to use this video to advertise on Facebook and on Instagram, it's better to have a squarish video.

So I'm going here to file. I'm going toe project settings and I'm going toe. Choose here customized and I'm going toe pick a squarish size. So now I have to grow my day off to make its quench awesome. So this is my video, and it's squarish. Also, if you are going to use this video for Instagram and for Facebook ads, you should keep in mind that videos for Instagram EDS shall not exceed one minute. So you have to write your script keeping this in mind.

Let's say now I want to trim this area I do like this and I trim this area. If, for example, I want toe trip this area, I do like this.  Why shooting?

Who will be making a lot off errors and you will be repeating the same things over and over again. So you need to trim several parts. So you just have to do that by scrolling like this and trimming. So let's say I have finished anything this video and I'm now at going to work on my end product. I have to start by first inviting people toe. Activate the voice.

So what I do is I go toe annotations and I add something like this, for example, a black box in need to click on the arrow in order to be able to change the signs off the shape. So this is my shape and it's black. 

I'm going to add a text in here. I'm going toe right. Activate the sound to change the size and the color of the stacks. In here, you can change the font. We can change the size and you can change the color. Let's say I want to make it a little bit larger on. I'm going to add some emerging here in Camp Asia. 

You can insert Jeff's. I'm going toe insert a Jiff. I have already downloaded. This is it. It will attract the attention off my viewers. I'm going to add it like that and I'm going to minimize the size. It's rotated. So I'm going to fix it like this. Perfect. And I'm going to add it in here. Sure, you can work on finalizing this on making it look better. 

So this is my video, the first part of my video. Then later on, I will be adding the subtitles Also at the bottom of the video are up here. It's up to you. You can add that's up titles with the same background and with the same text. 

So, for example, if you if I want to add subtitles I just have to copy. I like them. I copied these two and I faced them. They are in here. I move them like that And in here, if this is the location off the text, I want to write, this is where I will have them.

You can modify the size off the timing off the's on notations by simply doing the following like this, you can keep the same shape all over the video, and you keep adding your videos and you keep adding your text seeing after seeing in a way toe have subtitles for the entire video, and after you finished with your video, you can add a background music if you want. 

You just have to click here on inside track below. You go in here to library. You get you Goto music tracks and you pick one off them. Let's say I want to pick this one. You can use a music track from your own library if you want. It's up to you. So after adding the music track, I will roll. I will lower the voice off this track because I want. I don't want the voice off this track to be higher than my voice. So I'm going to lower the the voice in here to 10%. For example.

You can maximize that like like this. If you want, you lowered the voice more so after finalizing video. Now you have tow produced this video toe. Have your final product final video, the one you are going to use in your as you go in here to share you go to custom production. You click on new custom production and you pick and before you pick next and you don't have to change anything in here, they are all changed in a better way.

We can minimize a little bit the quality to get a smaller video size A 70% 75 is good and you click on next and you problems de video. It will take a few seconds and it will be ready to be used. 

Hopefully you love this lecture and it will help you creating also videos for your heads. Stay tuned and let's meet and the next lecture

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Watch How to Create and Edit Videos for Facebook Ads 2021 | Facebook Videos Ads Create 2021


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