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#02 Why Facebook Ads Mystery is Extremely Important to our Business

Why Facebook ads Mystery is Extremely Important to our Business.

Hello, guys. In this lecture, we will see why Facebook ads Mystery is extremely important to our business. And I will show you what you will exactly learn in this master class.  

Why Facebook ads Mystery is Extremely Important to our Business.

I know a lot of you might feel the urge to skip this introduction lectures, but I invite you to stay till the end because this lecture is loaded with information and you might learn a lot. 

.If you are a coach or a consultant or an improper more or a local business owner, you might have tried to reach your customers using Google Edwards. 

Well, this method is very good, and it works. But the problem is that you only reach people who are aware of what they want, and they are searching for it on google. 

But a lot of people nowadays are not aware of their problems or their needs, and they are not searching for a solution. So you need to go to those people, show them that they have a problem or a need, and the proposed to sell them the solutions. And this is what we will be doing using Facebook ads. We will go to people instead of waiting people to come to us.  

If you are a local business owner who sells patch gadgets. You can't target dog owners on Facebook and try to sell them at the color.  The color is a piece of material you put around the neck off ago. A caller might be used for restraint, identification, fashion or protection In your ad,  he explained to dog owners that their dog might be endangered without this color because he might be exposed to car accidents at night. So you are making your allegiance aware of the problem, and you are showing them what could be the solution, and you are selling it to them. 

Imagine that you only did Google ads to sell this color. Then you will have to wait till someone search on Google's and find you this news that you would miss a lot off sales, especially from people that are not aware of the importance of having adult color. Let's take another example.

If you are a consultant who had small businesses to develop their business as take it to the next level,  you can use Facebook ads,  target with owners, show them what might be the problem and saw them how you help other business owners to boost their sales. And then you ask them to book a recall with you to provide them with a quick audit for their business. This is much better than waiting for the client to search for you on Google. 

Another example. Let's suppose you own up in the restaurant. You can target people in your region and tell them that there are 15% discount if they order in the next three days off course in exchange off their email so you could market to them later. You could be a chef who's selling his e book on how to make sushi at home. You will make a small introduction video and show it on Facebook or Instagram to sushi lovers. If done well, I am sure you will get tons off sales. 

Facebook ads are always better than Google ads. 

Well, I'm not telling you that Facebook ads are always better than Google ads. In some industries, Google ads performs very better. But in the majority off cases, if you are consultants trying to sell his services for a coach who's telling his online courses or a local business owner, you have domestic Facebook ads in order to scale your business and reached your maximum potential to really succeed in your Facebook ad campaigns. You have toe put the right product or service in front off the right person. 

Let's say, for example, I want to sell this doctor. This color is not increased the safety off dogs because it lights at night and it makes vehicles spoke dogs and avoid them. So your potential customers or in simpler words, that people who might be actually interested in buying this product are the dog owners. If I don't have a dog, your product means nothing to me. So in order to make saying you should be able to put your product in front of people who might actually buy it and in our case, that dog owners. 

So how are you going to do that? So we want to sell this product for dog owners, and you want to target them. What most people will do is they go to Facebook and they started people who has an interest in dogs. 

Well, yeah, obviously you have thought about doing the same, but sadly, this is not a good targeting, because there are a lot of people who like dogs, pages on Facebook. But do not own dogs, and it's a complete waste of money to target. People just know dogs because they are not going to buy your product. They don't have dogs. What you should be doing is to exactly target people who are dogs. 

How to do that. Well, instead of targeting people who love dogs, you target people who are interested in duck food and in dog training at the same time. So let's go to Google and type dog food. Let's see, here we have, for example, bedspread. We go to Facebook at retail Facebook to target people who are interested in this food brand and induct training at the same time. So if someone like Food Brand page on Facebook and if he's interested in the training, his most likely adult on the priority of having someone interested dog food and dog training without owning a dog is very smart. 

Now let's say, for example, that you want to sell iPhone covers. You can market for that using Facebook ads toe iPhone owners. All you have to do is to write iPhone owners and you target them. Let's suppose you are consultant, and you help businesses double their say's using Instagram. You could run a Facebook campaign and started the business owners. You either tell you were done for you services or our life course that you prepared on this topic. You can use Facebook ads. Target business owners. You do that by using the following targeting 1st 2 with business owners. 

Then you add an important condition that the people who are targeting must be paged Edmunds. And this is very important. And a lot of people forget this because if someone owns a business and wants to boost it on Instagram, he most likely has a Facebook page for it. If he doesn't have already a Facebook page than most likely, he's not a potential customer for you. Many people say that Facebook as are complicated and it's hard to deal with them. 

Well, this happens to people who didn't put any effort on learning and trying and testing. When you finish this course and after watching all the lectures, you will master how to use Facebook ads to enhance your business. Using Facebook ads, we can target people based on their sex, their age, their job, their revenue, the fun they use, the country they live in the language they speak, whether they are single or married, what type of connection they used,  and many,  many other options. 

And not only this Facebook allows you to target people based on how they interacted on your website. You can target people who both from you and market tow them a new product. Or you can target people who added to products toe that card and didn't buy, and you can offer them at a discount to buy your products. You can target people who just visited websites or people who watched more than 30 seconds off your video ads and many, many other options. So are you fascinated with what Facebook ads can do? 

Well, wait to hear what's coming. Facebook algorithm is very powerful. You can even use it to target people who are similar to people who, both from you. The algorithm will analyze your buyers and seek common characteristics They have and then search for people that they have the same characteristics and target them. This will most likely increase your sales and decrease the US coast. This kind of audience, it's called the lookalike audience, and also in the coming lectures, you will discover how to work with it. 

So let's say some here, for example, has both your product. When you asked Facebook to target people who look alike, Sam Facebook will analyze stamps, characteristics, his age, sex, the pages he likes. The post he shares. The eggs usually clicks on, and then Facebook. We search for people who has the most common things with sand, and Facebook will show you add in front of them. 

So if Sam boss from you people who have so much in common with him are the more likely to buy from you If you master Facebook ads, you will be definitely able to boost your sales. Whether you are a complete beginner or an expert, this course will teach you all powerful strategies you need to know to master the Facebook ads. 

In this course, you will learn how Facebook ads works. 

  • What's Facebook pics in and how to add it to your website. 
  • How to create highly covered Facebook ads.
  • How to create your at photo and videos.
  • How to write your a text to make it attractive. 
  • Help started Facebook ex campaign. 
  • How toe Pick your objective, your daily budget. 
  • How to find your target audience and many other things. 
  • How to analyze with Facebook results so you can figure out whether to scale your ads or you kill them. 
  • How to minimize your budget by mastering.
  • How to do efficient retargeting campaigns.
  • How to create lookalike audience. 

The exact marketing strategy we used to make our ads covert and increase our profits. This is not just another Facebook ads scores. This is a master class in here. You will find everything you need to know and order to run successful Facebook ads. 

That's why I recommend you watch all this course starting from the beginning up until the end. Don't miss any lecture. Don't miss any minute. Don't say the structure is not important. I'm going to miss it. No, every lecture year is very important. Watching all the lectures is very critical for your business future because in each lecture you will be learning something in you. 

So stay tuned with me and let's meet and the next lecture

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Watch Why Facebook Ads Mystery is Extremely Important to our Business 


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