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#09 How to Create a Photo for Facebook Ads 2021 | Thumbnail Design for Facebook Ads 2021 | Create Thumbnail Photo Design for Facebook Ads 2021

How to Create a Photo for Facebook Ads 2021 | Thumbnail Design for Facebook Ads 2021 | Create Thumbnail Photo Design for Facebook Ads 2021

Hi there. In this lecture, I'm going to show you how to create a photo for your Facebook at. People nowadays are distracted very easily while browsing the Internet, the amount off concentrated time an Internet browser can stand.

Checking something without becoming distracted is very short, and this applies to when they are checking their Facebook news feeds.

That's why images are very important. Human brain processes images quicker than words and remembers them for a longer time. Also, images in social media platforms get more engagement. So if you want to get more engagement on your ad, you should make sure that your ad image super attractive and that can catch your viewers attention.

So you need your images to stand out and to look different. That's why you should be putting some effort in designing your ads images.

So now I am going to show you how to design the photos for your ads. I'm going to use to different Software's. The 1st 1 is Power Point. I always use power for it because I have it already on my BC and everyone around me have it, so it's a very easy, softer to use, and it almost does everything.

Second, I'm going to use an online tool. It's called Con Ver. I'm pretty sure many off you are already familiar with it, and we are going to design two different kind of photos, one for coaches and consultants and one for local business orders.

I'm going to start with the one for coaches and consistence, and I'm going to use four point for that. So the first thing you have toe do is to take a photo off yourself. It's better to get a photo with a white background or with one corner background. So in this case, it would be easier to remove the background off your photo. I have picked a random photo from the Internet and I'm going toe inserted here in Power Point and show you how I'm going to remove the background.

So I have picked this photo off a man with a white background. In this case, removing the background will be very easy. I'm going to format, remove background in here, and I'm going to play with that. So this is it. The background is removed. The second thing you should be thinking about is your ad image size If you are going to advertise via Facebook, you should know that each ad placement has a different size for the photos. 

If you go in here, you can find the different photo size needed for each placement. So and here you can change the placement and you can get the dimensions and the specifications. From here. I'm going to design a photo with the issue off 16/9. This is the different ratio given by boiling point for the slight size. But in case you want the line a different size, you just have to go in here toe design. In the slide size, you put your custom size. You just have to modify. 

You just have to covert the pixel dimensions. Facebook asked about into inches. And to put it in here, you can cover these dimensions on Google. Just type convert fixes into inches. So this is it for now. I'm going to keep the same slight size, so I have the coach photo in here. I want now to modify the background color. I have just flick in here and click four months Lego, so I'm going to pick this color on now. I have one background color for my photo and I'm going toe design it. 

Now I'm going to insert, and here you can insert different kinds of shapes and you can modify all of them. I'm going to answer this shape like this, and I'm going to send it to backward. This is it. I'm going toe change the color off this off this shape. Let's say I picked this color, for example, is a different one, given by pull point. 

But you can change everything about it. Here you can change the shape fun. You can change the shape outline and you can change the shape effects. I'm going toe move the photo in here. Also, you can add a glow for this photo. If you want to add a colored edge for your photo, you just have to go to format Here on the picture effect, you go to blow and you add a certain glow. 

See, now I have a glow for the foot. So I'm going to add thesis text. So I'm going in here. I'm going to answer. I will insert this shape and I would write inside free training on I'm going to change the color of the shape toe black like this. 

And I'm going to decide the shape. I'm going to use a bigger front, I guess. Like this was born on, I'm going to these eyes. My cheeks. So this is it, then? I'm going to add the second next. This one. I'm going to copy this text. I'm going in here to insert text books on. I'm going to baste it. I would use a bigger phone like this and I would make my text centered on. I will make it over two lines. School like this. 

Now, I still want to add one element on this is this element toe. Push my viewers into taking action. Some going in here, I'm going to insert also shape. This is the shape I'm going to answer. 

And I'm going to change this into this on. I'm going to pick this design. It's nice. And I'm going to write Caesar. No, I'm going to change the color, text and toe black using a bigger phone may be born going to center all the text. 

I will try to make this one a little bit bigger. After finishing all of this, you have to make sure that your text doesn't take more than 20% off your whole image size. This is something Facebook asks for. This is it. Here you can find it. Image that consists off more than 20% tax may experience Reduce delivery to test. If your image has more than many percent text, you go to this tool text off relate tool. You upload your photo in here, and Facebook will tell you if the image sex is acceptable. 

If it's low, if it's medium or if it's hard, I'm going to save this image like this. Five. Save as I'm going to save it as a G PG in here, I'm going to call it PG, and I'm going to call it coach. 

Just this one. I'm going in here to the oil. I'm going to click on upload. I'm going to upload the image. I will re open my browser. I will upload the image from here, so my image texts OK and my advert will run. 

Normally. A Facebook gives you a different result. You just have to go to back to power point and immediate modify that size off your text so you can see how with design the photo and just a few minutes now I'm going to design at the photo. 

And now it's for local business owner and I'm going to use at difference often. I'm going to use comfort. This is the photo I'm going to design and I'm going you I'm going toe walk. You step by step through have to design a photo like this one. 

So the first thing to do is here toe click on, create a design. I'm going to click on custom designs and I'm going to pick these designs these designs fit and the right column placement in here. 

So I'm going in here and I'm going to click on Create design. Sercombe offers many off three things and they things. If you want a toe to go with the free ones, you can go with them. They are enough and you can design awesome photos using them here. 

You can check out the template. We are not going to work with the templates because we are going toe pick to design our own image. Here, you can take the photos offered by coming vote. Here we have the different A graphics and we are going to use them in this.

In this photo. Here we have a text we have. You have many textiles. You have already formatted text styles. If you want to try them and you can't pick a background for your photo And here you upload your own photos. So I'm going toe graphics and I'm going toe find grids. These are the grades. I'm going to pick one of them. Um, you can't choose. There are many, many options you can work with the one you like, but I want to choose this one. So I have already uploaded photos for a restaurant. 

I have big police photos randomly from the Internet. But if you have a business, you have to take photos for your own products and as them. So I'm going to add the photos like this just by dragging them. 

So I have my photos and just a few seconds, then I'm going to graphics again and I'm going to click on find set Search for shapes. You can pick any shape you want. I'm going toe pick a This one, for example. It's free. Also, I'm going toe like this. 

Now I'm going to pick this one this one is better. I'm going to believe this. You just have to click on it and click on it. I'm going to pick this one. I'm going to rotate it like that I'm going to move it in here. Modify that I mentions. You can also  I'm going to change the color off this shave. 

Awesome. And I'm going here to text. I'm going to add a text. I'm going toe Change the front off this text and use a bigger one. This is too big, too big. Let me try this one. This one is great. I'm going to change the phones in here. There are many options. You can try them and pick the one that took to the most. This one seems nice to me. I'm going to change the color text. I want something that was trust more with the red, maybe. 

Why? Awesome. I'm going toe. The text was centered. I'm going to center the text like that. Awesome! I'm going back toe graphics. I'm going back to shapes. I will click here on lines. I want to think this'll ein As I told you, there are many options you have just scroll down income ver and see what offers. So, uh, this is it. I will make this a little bit bigger, so he and I'm going to change the color off this two orange, for example. 

Awesome. And I'm going to add attacks in here. This is the thing I'm offering. I'm offerin a free dinner. Four talk. So I'm going to make the text bigger. Awesome. A little bit smaller. Maybe 36 would work fine. I'm going to make a boy on. 

I'm going to make it twice I guess making these letters capsule would be better. Well, this is a spelling mistake for two. I'm sorry for that. So when a free dinner for two Awesome. To save this image, just have to click here on download and download the image between all your work will be saved in cumbia. So if you want to go back to this image, for example, to change anything, you can always do that. 

There are many options in convert that you can work with. It's up to you toe. Pick them and to play around with it for this image as well, you have to make sure that attacks overlay does not exceed 20%. Hopefully, you love this lecture, and I hope it will help you designing bows and photos for your ads. 

Stay tuned and let's need in the next section where we are going to talk about how to design a video for you. See you that. 

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Watch How to Create a Thumbnail Photo Design for Facebook Ads 2021



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