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#11 Copyrighting for Facebook ads 2021 | Facebook ads Copyrighting 2021

Copyrighting for Facebook Ads 2021 | Master the Ad text of your Ad

hi there and I come to this lecture in the structure. We are going to talk about copyrighting for Facebook ads. Many people treat this point lightly. They think that the small text we put in our ads is not that important.

Well, that truth is totally the country. If you want to sell online, you should master copyrighting copyrighting is the art and science off writing copies that can sell your product and service and convince perspective customers to take action.

If someone saw your ad and you're a text was not appealing, he would not click on your ad and he would not by the A text is extremely important. It's one off the most important factors that will make your target audience take actions, click on your head and pull out their credit card.

Learning copyrighting takes a lot of time, and it's a vest domain. If I want to explain everything about copyrighting, I need Ah hole course for this.

 In this lecture, I will teach you the basics copyrighting techniques you need to know in order to ride good at copies and boost your saves. The first thing you need to understand if you are a consultant or a coach is that short ads have low chances off succeeding because you are not opting for a impulsive selling.

We are not doing drop shipping and e commerce. You are helping people to do a certain transformation, and you need to take your time to convince them so you cannot show up and shout out loud hair.

Guys, give me your email. I would give you a free course on how to lose 10 kilograms. It's not work. You need to create a relatively low copy. At least 200 words. Some off.  My clients had 2000 waits at copy, and it converted very well.

Second, your ad should not seem like an end. It seemed like a normal post. It should be homogeneous with the newsfeed off people, You should seem like one off their friends. I will show you an ad for some, opens the founder off consulting that come. Sam is one of the most successful entrepreneurs. He helps people sat and grow their businesses.

I like the text of this ad so much so we will analyze it together. So first he begins with a sentence to grab attention. He uses the words Apax Predator. For those who don't know a fax predator, it's a predator who is the top off the food chain. It could be a whale or a shark or alliance.

What he means here by a fax of Predator is someone very successful in business. Then, he say's that he will define the trades that matters in a competitive environment, and he states that he spent years to build that list to emphasize on its importance. So you can see that Sam begun his ad by playing on the ego and the desire.

Who wouldn't want to be the ultimate affects predators, and the most powerful thing in this ad is that it doesn't seem as a so people can consider it as a normal Facebook post. Let's move on to the next sentence. So here is defining the traits you need to have in order to become an affects predator.

And here he explains more about each off the threats he teach you, that it's not skills and experience that matter the most. You need to be intelligent and capable to analyzed and learn and sensitized. He tells you also that you should think in unorthodox way, you have to be different, to be able to invert.

That's that scope and all this is not enough. You need to work heart. You need to work more than nine hours each day. Let's continue reading, and now comes the most important part in this head. He's telling us that he started from zero and he didn't have results. And he emphasizes on this by saying that nobody is born with these traits.

What he wants is to tell us that even if we start from zero, we still can build these traits and succeed a life. Look how we was the ego off there, either by saying you are the Arctic and now he's concluding. If you want to succeed in business, you have to do X y and that, and he ends up by a call to action.

He's inviting the readers to subscribe to his training, to learn how to become intelligent, unorthodox and at least in order, to succeed. So let's sum up to see what we can learn. If you are a consultant or a coach, your aim is to help people move from what they are to a better state, your aim is to move them from State A to state B. It's clear from the ed that Sam wants to help people to become successful in business.

And he tells people that in order to achieve your goal, you have to become intelligent, unorthodox and actually. And he explains why. And he tells them that anybody can learn and make this transformation so they feel motivated. And then he invites them to a free training in which he will explain to them how to do that.

So in your ad, we should understand clearly that you want people to move from point A to point B. You have to explain to them what do they do to move from A to B, and you should tell them that it's feasible and they can do it, and then you invite them to take action to buy your course, to take a free training with you or to book accession with you.

I hope you enjoy this lecture. Stay tuned because in the next structure we are going to talk also about copyrighting for Facebook ads.

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